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Plantasmagorical is dedicated to connecting people to plants and some of the amazing cosmetic, nutritional and medicinal products derived from them. More accurately, I suppose I should say, "plantasmagorical is dedicated to re-connecting people to plants", as over the last few decades humans seem to have been losing contact with the natural world, the real world, and have been busy walling themselves up deeper and deeper in the concrete jungle!

"We have forgotten how utterly reliant we are on the plant kingdom"

"Over the last few decades humans seem to have been losing contact with the natural world"
Some children nowadays don’t even seem to know where vegetables come from... or what they are for! We have forgotten how utterly reliant we are on the plant kingdom, how plants were here first and how they have nurtured us along our difficult journey on this planet, gifting us with food, medicine, clothing, shelter and the very air we breathe. Remember, plants produce oxygen... they are not just a lifestyle choice for people with gardens, they are life!
Make sure you keep looking in on us, as slowly but surely we will be adding lots of information regarding some outstanding plant based cosmetic, medicinal and nutritional products. We will also be uploading book-fulls of information as our main object is to inform, educate and tell the story of the deep connection we have with some incredible plants, and we hope that you’ll be amazed by the stories we tell that detail our deep and intimate historical bonds with plants and how it is now so vital that we stop distancing ourselves from our most important allies.
It's all about the plants!
Hemp Seed Oil
'Liquid Engineering for the Human Body'

The information is made available with the understanding that the author and publisher are not providing medical, psychological, or nutritional counseling services on this site. The information should not be used in place of a consultation with a competent health care or nutrition professional.
Meet the herbalist
Are you fed up of doctors just treating you like a statistic and a set of symptoms rather than a whole person? Well, if so, go and see the herbalist instead! Stuart FitzSimons MNIMH Dip. phyt has been a herbalist for 30 years.